Friday, April 22, 2011

5 days old

Hard to believe it has only been 5 days since this litter was born.  All pups now weigh over 1 lb, although the smallest pup, Yellow girl, barely weighed 1 lb this morning.  Most have transitioned to their new ID collars and I swapped out the laundry basket for a larger holding tub.  The pups are starting to act as a puppy pack, doing things as a group.  The first couple of days, they spent the entire time cuddling up to Bridget for warmth, and someone always seemed to be nursing.  Poor Bridget got no rest.  These days, the pups sleep in piles away from Bridget and typically wake up and race each other over to the milk bar for a frenzied 30-40 min of nursing.  Then wander off for another nap.  At least this way, Bridget gets some down time and she is starting to relax and spending a bit more time away from the pups.  For private nursing, I am attempting to catch the pups after a nap, and quickly transfer the larger pups to the tub and give Pink, Yellow and black female first dibs.  These pups are also proving to be precocious poopers.  Supposeably newborn pups need to be stimulated by their dam (licking) to toilet, and hence if you raise orphan pups, you need to assist in that department.  However, Black boy has shown that he is already a big boy and can take care of business all by himself.  Yesterday, I saw him drop off from nursing and wander 4-6 inches away and toilet.

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