Sunday, June 5, 2011

More pics

 Martin, Dee and Eagle
Eagle practicing Up on the footstool I have out in the yard.  This is the first outing I can remember the pups interacting with the footstool. 
 Eagle playing Snoopy on the dog house.
 Dee not to be outdone by her big brother. 
 Eagle checking out the new slide.
 And he is off. . .
 Mynah and Robin
Robin still figuring out which end is which.  Actually, some of the pups have been successful scrambling up the wrong way. 
 Dove, not intimidated sharing a water bowl with Auntie Tacara.  Her tail is wagging.
The two brothers, Martin and Eagle. 

7 week old puppy pics

 Ori watching puppy rumbles in the tunnel
 Ori attacking the tunnel
 Ori demonstrating he really does know how to run through the tunnel
 Eagle coming through the tunnel
 Puppies on the back porch
 Wren in the pool
 Handsome Ori
Ori yawning  
What puppies look like running into the camera!

7 weeks old

Hard to believe the pups will be leaving in one week.  Earlier in the week, the pups had a few days of a GI upset which they fortunately quickly recovered from without any treatment.  Even with that and individual feedings, they still had very respectable weight gains.  Weights ranged from 8 lbs 5 oz (Wren) to 11 lbs (Eagle).  Most weighed around 9 1/2 lbs, very typical weights for 7 week old retriever pups.  The pups are eagerly eating around 14 c of kibble per day, and I pasteurized their last gallon of goat milk yesterday.  This weekend, I am transitioning the pups over to eating dry kibble with a bit of water added, but not pre-soaked.  Bridget went home on Tuesday, she had a bunch of her reading therapy kids to visit on their last week of classes.  The pups still have three adult dogs at my house to play with, so are not missing out on adult dog interactions.  And I am sure Bridget is thrilled to be home again.  This weekend, I have been busy giving the pups medical, structural, and temperament evaluations.  All the pups passed, and I believe they have an above average chance of becoming successful assistance dog trainees.   Only time will tell, but I know that the assistance dog programs will give them a great start.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Mealtime circus

These pups love playtime, attention and food, not necessarily in that order.  Like all previous Jammer pups, they love their chow.  Now that we are individually feeding the pups, the routine goes something like this:

1.  Set up three small plastic dog crates in the kitchen
2.  Call pups to kitchen.  Watch 10 puppies get worked up into a frenzy at the sight of the crates.  If the doors are open, they eagerly run in, hoping there is a bowl of food waiting inside. 
3.  Attempt to slip a bowl of food into the crate and allow only one pup to enter.  A very challenging task these days.
4.  Once 3 pups are happily eating in their individual crates, watch the other pups swarm around the crates and stare longingly inside at the chow.
5.  Retrieve fed pups from crate, being careful to keep track who just finished eating since the littermates will charge in as soon as the door opens.
6.  Push fed pups out the dog door to go do their after mealtime toileting. 
7.  Repeat x 3.  10th pup gets to eat outside the crates.
8.  Go outside and round up the pupsters. 

My dog door is raised approximately 8 inches off the ground in a storm door, and it is easy to close off by simply closing the interior door.  But if left open, Dee has already figured out she can climb back through!

Sunday, May 29, 2011

6 week old puppy pics

Pool party!  The pool was an instant hit - it was a toasty 80+ degrees today.  Again, an exceptionally confident litter. 
Robin pondering her options
 Mynah thinking of taking a dip
 Mynah telling off Dee
 Only Falcon and Rosella have managed to get up on the porch by themselves so far.
Two little cuties

6 week old

The pups are still growing like crazy.  Weights ranged from 7 lbs 7 oz (Wren) to 9 lbs 6 oz (Eagle).  Unlike other weeks, the weight gains were more uneven, so time to start individually feeding the pups.  I will bring in a couple of small plastic crates and start positive crate associations by feeding them in the crates.  Otherwise, the pups have had lots of outdoor time.  They are starting to venture all over the backyard.  Whereas initially they startled when loud cars drove by, now they accept that and even dealt with a large riding lawnmower yesterday (they were behind a chain link fence).  I am impressed with their level of confidence for this age.  I just started playing sound effect CD's for them in the house. They also win brownie points for handling.  One of the most accepting litters I can remember.  When you pick them up they relax and go limp, readily accept being cradled on their backs, love tummy rubs, and continue to be exceptional for nail trims.  Good puppies!  Bridget is in the process of weaning the pups, and is down to 3 c of food per day.  On the other hand, the pups are up to 12 c of kibble per day and looking for more.  We have already gone through the first 40 lb bag of puppy food.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

A few more pics

 Wren has poor Ori by the tail
 Puppy play
 Puppy rumble
 Pups at my feet after the "Puppy Puppy Puppy" call
Martin with toy

5 week old puppy pics

 Eagle close up
 Eagle - good looking boy
 Dove practicing her retrieving
 Dee playing with visitors
 Martin sitting pretty.  Looks like Dee in the background.
 Finally a pic of Mynah that is more than a black blob
 Wren with a new found toy
Ori giving us the eye

5 weeks old

The pupsters are growing like crazy.  They have been ravenous for their kibble and milk, and I thought I was limit feeding them, but based on their weight gains, they were getting plenty.  Almost everyone gained 2 lbs last week, and all weigh over 6 lbs.  Together, they now weigh more than mama Bridget.  Weights ranged from 6 lbs (Mynah) to 7 lbs 1 oz (Eagle).  Yesterday, the pups managed to climb over the gate, so the pen is now closed up - Bridget can't get in by herself anymore.  We have started the weaning process.  Bridget's food is decreasing (will be down to 6 c on Monday), and she is spending nightime away from the pups.  The pups are also ready, and doing very well on kibble.  They no longer go into a feeding frenzy every time they see Bridget, and Bridget is growling at them if they nurse too long.  The pups have been very busy.  This is prime time for socialization and letting them explore the world.   I rotate the toys, and the last batch that made lots of noise was a big hit, as was the braided tug that they can drag around.  Lots of time out of the pen, loose in the house or out in the yard.  Friday evening, they got to explore the backyard for the first time (previously just in the front yard). Out in the yard, I have been taking the pups for walk abouts - moving away from their comfort area and encouraging them to follow.  Initially, I will have the entire puppy pack at my heels, but as I loop around the landscape bed, the less confident pups go back to the familiar spot.  Yesterday, only two pups followed me all the way around, today after lunch 5 pups made the loop with me.  Rosella has consistently been a follower.  Today, I introducted the pups to thunderstorms.  There was some distant thunder, so I opened the windows near the puppy pen.  Then, the pups had lunch on the lawn while the distant thunder continued and there was some light rain.  A good positive introduction to Midwest weather.  They were equally accepting of the vacuum yesterday.  The pups were exceptionally good for their weekend nailtrim - very accepting of the handling.  Unfortunately my camera didn't save all the pics from their Friday evening play session out in the backyard.  I recharged the battery and it seems to be still functioning, so will hopefully get more pics later today.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

More pics

Chickadee "Dee"
 Mynah and Falcon
 Wren with tug
 Rosella with tug
 Wren on stuffed toy
 Puppy pinwheel
Group "hurry"

4 weeks old

These first 4 weeks are always my favorite times with a litter.  I never get tired of watching baby pups mature from helpless newborns to engaging pupsters.  This litter is fully ready to explore the world.  They enthusiastically interact with all new toys, and after a possible initial hesitation, are willing to take on new challenges.  I weighed pups and have been clipping toenails this weekend.  In contrast to other litters, these pups have actually become calmer as they have gotten older.  But still a spunky bunch, very people orientated and engaging.  Yesterday evening, I hung up some tugs on the sides of the ex-pen and multiple pups immediately started tugging.  The one baby blanket/puppy bed I still have in the pen has gotten dragged all over the place and will be retired once it gets washed.  Personalities are starting to emerge.  Mynah is the little baby girl, more cautious than the other pups, and always wanting to be held and cuddled.  Robin is the glutton, takes mealtimes very seriously and by the end looks like a stuffed tick.  Dove is the independent explorer.  She was the first to wander off when the pups started going outside, and continues to show that confidence.  Dee Dee is the fussy pup who isn't as game to try new things.  She was one of the slower pups to take to goat milk, and absolutely wants nothing to do with water from the baby bottle.  Although black in color, Mynah has more Golden traits than the other pups - a finer build, a different head shape, and wavy coat (still short).  The other pups all look like little yellow labs - stocky little puppies.  The pups had impressive weight gains last week, all gained over 1 lb.  Weights range from 4 lb (Wren) to 5 lbs 4 oz (Eagle).  Most weigh around 4 1/2 lbs.  Bridget is still eating 9 c of food per day, and looks great.  The pups are currently eating 4 1/2 c of soaked kibble and approximately 24 oz of goat milk on their soaked kibble per day.  You can do the math, and together, they already weigh around 45 lbs!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Puppy pics

 Expanded puppy pen.  Some of the simplest toys are the biggest hits.  Pups love the little plastic step stool and exercise step.  Small cardboard boxes have also been popular with past litters.
 Crashed on the exercise step
 A Goodwill or garage sale find - another hit. 
 At the pen gate, looking for attention.  Mynah is off at the far right side.
 Mastering the front porch steps
Rosella on the step